[News feature] The beauty of heaven and earth and the principle of all things, the 2024 Public Science Season series activities of Beijing Institute of Technology were successfully held


"Teacher, this water rocket is very interesting!"In the summer of July in Beidaihe, the School of Physics of Beijing Institute of Technology held a special popular science summer camp for primary and middle school students。During the five-day activity, the teachers of the college led the children to do handwork and do experiments together。"Why does the wind blow over the roof?"How does a sprayer work?"How does a plane fly?"......In the face of common physical phenomena in life, the teachers patiently explain to you, and cooperate with vivid demonstrations, so that the children in the harvest of knowledge while developing a good habit of thinking about the principle behind the phenomenon。

In the first half of 2024, a series of public science season activities led by the School of Physics of Beijing Institute of Technology, "National Science Popularization Education Base", were successfully held。With the goal of promoting the spirit of scientists and building a unique science popularization brand of "the beauty of heaven and earth and the principle of all things", the activity carried out public science popularization services for the whole society based on the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region, and created a number of physics popularization fests for physics enthusiasts from universities and primary and secondary schools across the country, with a total of nearly 4,000 participants。


Scientific and technological innovation and popularization of science are the two wings of innovative development。As a basic discipline, physics plays an important role in the innovative exploration of frontier science and the popularization of science to the public。Since 2019, the School of Physics has held the "Science for the Public" series for five consecutive years。Over the past five years, the school has always adhered to the guidance of major basic research issues, taken the promotion of citizens' scientific literacy as its own responsibility, and condensed its unique brand science popularization culture。In 2024, on the basis of the original achievements, the science popularization work of the school will be further transformed and upgraded, and the science popularization of physics knowledge will gradually expand to the popularization of research results in the field of frontier science。


"Where does physics come from and why?"Quantum technology, why the singularity is coming?"How theory and experiment are connected?With three profound questions, everyone's thoughts along with the speaker into the long river of physics history。On May 31, on the occasion of the eighth "National Science and Technology Workers' Day", the "Hundred Lecture Hall" Jinan Lecture of the public science season series activities of the School of Physics was held in the Lithology Building of Liangxiang Campus。The event invited Professor Sun Changpu, a theoretical physicist, academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and Graduate School of the Chinese Academy of Engineering Physics, to give a report. The lecture hall of nearly 300 people was full. The students carefully thought, carefully recorded, and followed Professor Sun Changpu to walk in the world of quantum physics。


"Students, have you ever imagined that the world in science fiction movies could one day become reality?At the opening ceremony of Guangqumen Secondary School on 26 February, Professor Yin Zhangqi of the School of Physics gave students a wonderful "first lesson" on quantum mechanics.。He used the popular science fiction movies in recent years as an index to introduce the Schrodinger's Cat paradox, how scientists can search for Schrodinger's cat, and how to gain a deeper understanding of time and space。From the simple to the deep, the students enjoyed the wonderful quantum world with the movie as the starting point, and felt that behind the unrestrained imagination there is also a rigorous physical theory。


"Students, the preparation of special materials under extreme conditions is a very interesting process, welcome to the high pressure Preparation Laboratory of the School of Physics.。Following the pace of teacher Li Xiang from the School of Physics, the students came to the world of special material preparation under extreme conditions, vivid explanation with real experimental environment and equipment, and everyone had a more intuitive understanding of the latest research progress in the field of special material characterization。Since May, the School of Physics has held a total of 4 "Laboratory exploration tour" activities, the school has built an exchange platform for young teachers and the majority of young students who love physics, invited them to visit the laboratory and introduce the latest research results, to help them understand the principles of physics and enhance discipline identification。


"Teacher, can you heat the water in the plastic bag with fire to make the water boil??On April 27, a child from Qujing, Yunnan Province, participated in the online "Xiaoding Ding Science and Art Magic class" and raised his confusion。"Tinker Bell Science and Art Magic Class" is jointly launched by the School of Physics of Beijing Institute of Technology and the China Millennium Monument. The course is mainly for primary and secondary school students to explain the principle of "sound, light, force and electric heat", with vivid and interesting physical phenomena demonstration, so that children are immersed in it。"Shi Hongting's lessons are always so hot, the children come and don't want to go, they can really learn a lot!""One parent said after the class。

As the first science and engineering university founded by the Communist Party of China, Beijing Institute of Technology has always adhered to the principle of cultivating talents, and continued to explore innovative training models for leaders in basic science research, injecting new impetus into talent training work。Next, the school will continue to give full play to its talents and innovation advantages, consciously assume the responsibility of public science popularization, and continuously contribute to the national scientific and technological innovation and science popularization "flying together"。