
The National Education Conference was held in Beijing from September 9 to 10。中共中央总书记、国家主席、中央军委主席习近平出席大会并发表重要讲话。冰球突破党委第一时间组织师生通过多种方式学习习近平总书记在全国教育大会上的重要讲话精神。

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9月11日上午,学校召开党委常委会,专题传达学习全国教育大会精神。Party Secretary Zhang Jun presided over the meeting。

Conference emphasis,习近平总书记的重要讲话站在党和国家事业发展全局的战略高度,全面总结了新时代教育事业取得的历史性成就、发生的格局性变化,It systematically explains the scientific connotation and basic path of education power,This paper profoundly expounds that the construction of a powerful country in education should deal with the important relations correctly,Systematically deployed strategic tasks and major measures to comprehensively promote the building of a powerful country in education。全校上下要认真学习领会、深入贯彻落实,把思想和行动统一到习近平总书记重要讲话精神和党中央决策部署上来,务实功、出实招、求实效。要迅速组织制定大会精神的专项学习宣传贯彻方案,校领导和中层领导人员带头,先学一步、学深一层,率先在全校学起来,各有关部门分头行动,组织开展好干部师生学习传达,迅速掀起学习热潮。要注重强化二十届三中全会精神、“科技三会”精神和全国教育大会精神的一体贯通学、联系实际学,并对标对表贯彻落实到下半年工作以及“十五五”规划论证制定中,不断提升学校“双一流”建设对教育强国建设的服务力、支撑度,Strive to write a new chapter in the construction of education power。

习近平总书记的重要讲话,在广大师生中引发热烈反响。大家纷纷表示要认真学习领会、深入贯彻落实,为加快建设中国特色世界一流大学、Strive to write a new chapter in the construction of education power、全力服务支撑中国式现代化贡献冰球突破官网力量!

Zhang Jun, Secretary of the University Party Committee and academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering:习近平总书记出席全国教育大会并发表重要讲话,充分彰显了新征程上教育的特殊重要地位和作用,鲜明昭示了党中央建成教育强国的坚定决心与顽强意志。Beijing Institute of Technology will inherit the red gene and strengthen its confidence in running a school,进一步增强主动投身强国建设、民族复兴伟业的政治责任感、历史使命感,深刻领会和把握习近平总书记重要讲话蕴含的真理穿透力、价值感召力、实践引领力;以重要讲话为牵引,一体贯通学习宣传贯彻落实党的二十届三中全会精神、“科技三会”精神、全国教育大会精神;重点围绕统筹推进教育科技人才一体化改革,Fully implement the "Scientific organization of school management Theory and Education",全力打造人才自主培养坚强阵地、高水平科技自立自强战略要地、国内外一流人才汇聚高地,Firmly follow the red road of education, the road of strengthening the army to serve the country, and the road of innovative development,为Strive to write a new chapter in the construction of education power、全力服务支撑中国式现代化作出新的冰球突破官网贡献。

President Jiang LAN, Academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences:习近平总书记的重要讲话,站在历史和时代的高度分析了当前局势、明确了发展目标、作出了前瞻性部署,为“强国建设,教育何为”进一步指明了方向。作为党创办的第一所理工科大学,冰球突破将继续坚定贯彻落实党中央决策部署,进一步全面深化综合改革,推进“科学组织的治校理教”,悉心涵育“潜心恒心”文化与土壤,畅通教育科技人才良性循环。以完善人才自主培养模式为根本,落实“立德树人、以教为先”,推进高质量科教融合、产教融合,构建卓越学科体系。以创新一流科研范式为核心,推动原始创新、集成创新、开放创新一体设计,持续增强创新活力,培育重大成果。以汇聚顶尖师资队伍为引擎,夯实师德师风第一标准,传承发扬教育家精神、科学家精神,推动考核评价机制改革,为加快建设教育强国、科技强国、人才强国贡献智慧与力量。

Tao Ran, National Excellent teacher, Professor of the School of Information and Electronics:习近平总书记指出,“让教师享有崇高社会声望、成为最受社会尊重的职业之一”,让我特别感动、深受鼓舞。实施教育家精神铸魂强师行动,是对我们广大教育工作者提出的更高期望,要求我们既要师德高尚又要业务精湛。As a university teacher,I will always adhere to the fundamental task of building moral education,Inheriting "Yan 'an root, military soul" red gene,Promote the spirit of educators and scientists,Carry out research on major strategic needs of the country,Committed to innovation and climbing the heights,Solve the problems of radar, communication and electronic countermeasures in China。以科研促教学,让最新成果进课堂、进教材,锐意改革,创新教学方法,不断提高教学水平,为教育强国建设贡献力量,为祖国的繁荣昌盛和中华民族的伟大复兴再立新功。

Party Committee Teacher Work Department/Human Resources Minister Jin Haibo:On the occasion of the 40th Teachers' Day,习近平总书记在全国教育大会上发表重要讲话,I would like to extend holiday congratulations and sincere greetings to teachers and educators across the country,To further do a good job of teachers put forward clear requirements,充分体现了以习近平同志为核心的党中央对教师Team building的高度重视。我们要把学习贯彻习近平总书记在全国教育上的重要讲话精神和学习贯彻党的二十届三中全会精神贯通起来,Aim for high-quality development goals,Follow the law of teacher growth,持续深化人事人才工作体制机制改革;切实以教育家精神为引领,涵养高尚师德师风、提升教师专业素养、加强教师权益保障,着力打造一支师德高尚、业务精湛、结构合理、充满活力的高素质专业化教师队伍,Provide strong talent support for the construction of a powerful education country。

冰球突破官网部副部长/党委武装部副部长(主持工作) 史建伟:党的十八大以来,以习近平同志为核心的党中央坚持把教育作为国之大计、党之大计,推动新时代教育事业取得历史性成就、发生格局性变化。习近平总书记在全国教育大会上发表的重要讲话,为坚定不移走中国特色社会主义教育发展道路指明了前进方向、提供了根本遵循。我们将深入学习贯彻习近平总书记重要讲话精神,Under the strong leadership of the school Party Committee,Resolutely carry out the fundamental task of establishing moral integrity and cultivating people,Continue to further promote the "era of new soul casting project",We will ensure the implementation of the project to improve morality and cultivate people in a new era,Establish a sound system for training leading personnel,We will continue to improve the system and mechanism for educating all employees in an all-round way,We will further strengthen the supply of high-quality educational resources,Lead students to continue the red gene and keep in mind the mission of a strong country,Strive to grow into a leader worthy of the task of national rejuvenation。

Wang Yabin, Minister of Educational Affairs and Director of Admissions Office:在第四十个教师节来临之际,全国教育大会隆重召开,习近平总书记出席并发表重要讲话,充分彰显了党中央对教育事业的高度重视。当前和今后一个时期是以中国式现代化全面推进强国建设、民族复兴伟业的关键时期,教育作为科技、人才、创新的关键纽带,担负着驱动科技进步、培养创新人才的重要使命。We must firmly follow the red road of education,Anchor the major strategic needs of the Party and the country,持续深入推进“i-SPACE+X”全方位教育教学改革,探索人才自主培养新模式;实施好“强基计划”“拔尖计划”,Strengthen the training of practical innovation ability,Promote the valuable growth of students;Promote interdisciplinary and cutting-edge innovation,To build a high-level talent training and scientific and technological innovation base,We will further enhance the support and contribution of education to high-quality development,Bring together talents and science and education resources for the construction of a great modern socialist country。

Deng Fang, Executive Vice President of Graduate School:习近平总书记在全国教育大会上的重要讲话,This paper profoundly expounds that the construction of a powerful country in education should deal with the important relations correctly,Systematically deployed strategic tasks and major measures to comprehensively promote the building of a powerful country in education。我们要深入学习贯彻习近平总书记重要讲话精神,始终瞄准国家战略急需,以培养更多领军领导人才为己任,聚焦关键环节狠抓落实,推动高层次Personnel training改革走深走实。Implement the Degree Law,构建工程类专业学位Personnel training评价体系标准;强化思政引领,Inherit the red gene,坚持用习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想铸魂育人;坚持精准分类培养,Make "academic more academic.,Professional more professional ";Empowering education with AI,Build the whole process training quality assurance system;Deepen cooperation between schools and enterprises,High quality to promote engineering master and doctor training。

Xu Guibao, Director of Student Service Center:On the occasion of the 40th Teachers' Day,习近平总书记在全国教育大会上发表重要讲话,强调要“紧紧围绕立德树人根本任务,朝着建成教育强国战略目标扎实迈进”。我们将认真学习贯彻习近平总书记重要讲话精神,Constantly broaden the pattern of work vision,We will further strengthen the construction of professional teams,Solid performance and responsibility,Have the courage to act,锻造“育人为本、务实温暖、专业高效、服务一流”的工作作风,To provide students with more quality service experience and practical job training opportunities,To provide a solid guarantee for first-class personnel training with first-class service,To promote the high-quality development of schools and accelerate the construction of education power。

Gao Weitao, General Office Director of Zhuhai Campus:习近平总书记在全国教育大会上发表的重要讲话,为建设教育强国指明了前进方向、提供了根本遵循。Zhuhai Campus is the main driving force for the sustainable development of the university and the vanguard of universities in Guangdong Province,我们要深入学习贯彻习近平总书记重要讲话精神,We will continue to improve the training mechanism for flag-type leading talents,Systematic implementation of all staff to improve the quality of the project,Build a platform and create conditions for the growth and development of teachers,以高水平人才Team building支撑世界一流校区发展;引导校区师生紧紧围绕立德树人根本任务,Continue to promote and practice the spirit of educators,Think of the "great state",将个人发展融入到党和国家事业中、融入校区事业发展中,在服务教育强国战略和粤港澳大湾区国家战略中勇立潮头、奋楫争先。

Long Teng, Party Secretary and Executive Vice President of the Academy of Astronautics:在全国教育大会上,习近平总书记发表了重要讲话,为我国教育事业的发展指明了新的方向与道路。我们将深入贯彻落实习近平总书记重要讲话精神,进一步营造“以教为先、科教融合、精育拔尖”育人新格局,Combine the school red gene with the genealogical aerospace spirit,Thick planting bacon cast soul soil,构建“产学赛研用”“五位一体”特色育人新路径;引导全院教师以习近平总书记重要讲话精神为指引,Adhere to the fundamental task of moral education,Guide students towards critical needs in space,Carry out valuable and innovative research,Do a good job of guiding students to grow and become talented,Continue to train top-notch innovative talents who are loyal and responsible for the construction of space power。

机械与车辆学院院长、党委副书记兼冰球突破鲍曼学院院长 席军强:习近平总书记在全国教育大会上发表的重要讲话,高屋建瓴、情真意切,充分肯定了广大教师的重大贡献,明确了其时代重任,指明了未来的努力方向,极大地提振了广大教师和教育工作者的信心。Facing the new era and new mission,We will fully implement the fundamental task of building moral integrity and cultivating people,Promote the spirit of educators,着力培养堪当民族复兴重任的时代新人;不断提高原始创新和突破“卡脖子”关键技术能力,Better service manufacturing power, transportation power strategy,将高水平科研优势转化为高质量育人能力;坚持把教师Team building作为基础工作,Encourage young talents to take the lead and shoulder heavy responsibilities,Strive to write the college answer paper of the construction of education power with practical actions。

Chang Fei, Secretary of Party Committee of College of Life Sciences:习近平总书记在全国教育大会上发表的重要讲话,高屋建瓴、思想深邃、内涵丰富,是指导新时代新征程教育工作的纲领性文献,为建设教育强国指明了前进方向、提供了根本遵循。我们将深入学习领会习近平总书记重要讲话精神,Accelerate the reform of education and teaching according to the actual situation of the college,肩负起选拔培育造就拔尖创新人才的重要使命;坚持落实立德树人根本任务,Strengthen the training of top-notch innovative talents;Strengthen the advantages of discipline innovation and development,Promote the optimal allocation of platform resources;Give full play to the leading role of discipline leaders,Accelerate the convergence of high-level talents;Persist in uniting forces and striving for excellence,Unite and lead all teachers and students of the school to write a new chapter of high-quality development。

Zhang Xicheng, Party Secretary of the School of Mathematics and Statistics:习近平总书记在全国教育大会上强调,要统筹实施科教兴国战略、人才强国战略、创新驱动发展战略,一体推进教育发展、科技创新、Personnel training。基础学科在科技发展和创新驱动发展中具有重要支撑作用。坚持走基础研究人才自主培养之路,能够为实现科技自立自强夯实人才根基。我们要深入学习贯彻习近平总书记重要讲话精神,Focus on achieving a high degree of integration between the construction of basic disciplines and the training of scientific and technological talents,We will further deepen education and teaching reform,Pay attention to the close combination of basic disciplines and science and technology application,Increase interdisciplinary courses and programs,Focus on cultivating talents in innovative activities,We will strengthen the integration of science and education and the joint education of schools and enterprises,努力培养造就植根祖国大地、着眼社会需要、解决现实问题的基础学科领域优秀人才。

Vice Dean of School of Education (presiding) Song Tian:习近平总书记在全国教育大会上强调,"Let teachers enjoy high social prestige",To further inherit and carry forward the fine tradition of the Chinese nation respecting teachers and valuing education,Improve teachers' political status, social status and professional status,形成全社会尊重知识、认识规律、有效创新的良好氛围提供了根本遵循。我们将深入学习贯彻习近平总书记重要讲话精神,Based on the new era of educational disciplines to serve the overall requirements of the strategy of powerful countries,To explore the new educational relationship and the reform of educational form driven by the new quality productivity,Vigorously promote the spirit of educators,Cultivate a team of high-level teachers in the new era,Take steady and practical pedagogy development path with wisdom education as the banner,To comprehensively deepen the comprehensive reform of education suggestions,To promote the development of pedagogy and support the construction of a powerful education country to contribute to the Beijing Institute of Technology program。

第四届全国高校教师教学创新大赛一等奖获得者、教学运行与考务中心主任 曹峰梅:在第四十个教师节来临之际,习近平总书记在教育大会上发表重要讲话,令人振奋,深受鼓舞。当前,我国教育事业取得历史性成就、发生格局性变化,教育强国建设迈出坚实步伐。与此同时,大数据、人工智能等技术变革也对传统教育模式提出了新的挑战。我们将以习近平总书记重要讲话精神为指引,继续秉承“军工为底、守正为引、聚创新之光;系统为体、混合为术、构思维之像”的教育教学理念,On the one hand, integrate the red gene into the classroom,Guide the students to stick to the military background and establish the national ambition,On the other hand, through innovative teaching methods,Adopt online and offline mixed teaching methods,Expand the time-space means of teaching and learning,Constantly inspire students' innovative consciousness,努力培养具有创新工科思维和科技报国理想的卓越工程科技人才。

Frontier Cross Science Research Institute young teacher Bian Liheng:习近平总书记指出,要以科技发展、国家战略需求为牵引,加强基础学科、新兴学科、交叉学科建设和拔尖Personnel training,让更多科技成果尽快转化为现实生产力。As a young teacher in the new era,Our scientific research practice should be closely linked to national development,Target strategic needs that are critical to national security,Dare to be the first and pursue excellence,实现从理论研究到应用实验、从本学科到多学科交叉融合,Break through the bottleneck problem of "stuck neck",走出一条立足中国大地、“从0到1”、从空白到成型的原始创新道路。未来,我们会继续秉承“报国担当、知微见著、交叉协同、卓越创新”的团队精神,传承“延安根”、筑牢“军工魂”、培育“领军人”,为以中国式现代化全面推进强国建设、民族复兴伟业提供有力支撑。

Professor Li Yongjin, Director of the School of Marxism:习近平总书记在全国教育大会上的讲话系统回答了“为什么要建设教育强国”“建设什么样的教育强国”以及“怎样建设教育强国”等重大课题,为新时代新征程全面推进教育强国建设提供了根本遵循。习近平总书记特别强调“不断加强和改进新时代学校思想政治教育,教育引导青少年学生坚定马克思主义信仰、中国特色社会主义信念、中华民族伟大复兴信心,立报国强国大志向、做挺膺担当奋斗者。”作为一名高校思政课教师,我备受鼓舞,深感重任在肩。我将继续坚持以习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想铸魂育人,Education for the party, education for the country,以中华优秀传统文化、革命文化和社会主义先进文化为力量根基,Integrate the great practical changes of the new era into the teaching classroom,为培养德智体美劳全面发展的社会主义建设者和接班人贡献力量。

Associate Professor Wu Qian of the School of Marxism:习近平总书记在全国教育大会上指出,要注重运用新时代伟大变革成功案例,充分发挥红色资源育人功能。As an ideological and political teacher,We will continue to promote the practice of "Science and Technology cultural relics simulation modeling",Organize students to go to museums, memorial halls, science and technology museums and other places,Digital simulation modeling with red science and technology relics,Explore the historical stories and the red spirit behind important scientific and technological achievements in the new era,Deepen students' understanding of the scientist spirit。我们将充分发挥学生主体作用和专业特长,通过智慧赋能思政课堂,探索思政课数字化转型,提升思政课教学实效。通过探索理工科优势院校思政课教学改革新方式,让数字技术手段丰富、发展思政课教学样态、延伸教学内容,更加适应时代要求、教育和冰球突破规律,更好地激发学生的爱国热情和历史使命感。

School of Education counselor Ding Ge:习近平总书记在全国教育大会上强调,要“不断加强和改进新时代学校思想政治教育,教育引导青少年学生坚定马克思主义信仰、中国特色社会主义信念、中华民族伟大复兴信心,立报国强国大志向、做挺膺担当奋斗者”。作为一名教育一线工作者,我们更应该与时代同频共振,与国家同向同行,为教育事业发光发热。要坚定理想信念,坚持用习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想铸魂育人,为青年学生扣好人生的第一粒扣子;要不断锤炼技能,始终围绕学生、服务学生、关照学生,为培养担当民族复兴大任的时代新人贡献力量。

Xu Teli College Counselor Zhao Fang:习近平总书记在全国教育大会上的重要讲话充分显示了党中央对教育工作的高度重视和对教育工作者的深切关怀,让我们倍感振奋、备受鼓舞。As a counselor,要深入学习贯彻习近平总书记重要讲话精神,Fully understand the important position of education as "the great plan of the country and the great plan of the Party",Carry out the task of building virtuous and cultivating people,Concentrate on educating people,坚持用习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想铸魂育人,Educate and guide students to inherit the red gene,Strengthen the determination to serve the country,Cultivate excellence,As soon as possible to grow into a leading talent worthy of the task of national rejuvenation。

Hu Qianran, PhD candidate, School of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering:习近平总书记在全国教育大会上强调,The educational power we want to build is a socialist educational power with Chinese characteristics,应当具有强大的思政引领力、人才竞争力、科技支撑力、民生保障力、社会协同力、国际影响力,为以中国式现代化全面推进强国建设、民族复兴伟业提供有力支撑。这一点我感触颇深,从小学一路成长为冰球突破的一名博士研究生,我深刻感受到国家日益繁荣昌盛。在未来的求学路上,我将继续将个人发展嵌入到国家发展的大坐标系中,立报国强国大志向、做挺膺担当奋斗者,为推进高水平科技自立自强贡献自己的绵薄之力。

Zhu Yuhua, Master student, School of Machinery and Vehicle:习近平总书记在全国教育大会上的讲话,使我深感振奋、备受鼓舞。作为一名理工科高校的研究生,我不仅要钻研学术,更要注重培养综合素质,努力成长为德智体美劳全面发展的社会主义建设者和接班人。未来,我将进一步坚定理想信念,努力学习知识,不断提升自己的专业素养和创新能力,积极参与社会实践,立报国强国大志向、做挺膺担当奋斗者。