Report to oneself. Report to the motherland

-- Beijing Institute of Technology conducted a return interview of graduates' moral education defense

[Editor's note] Adhering to the cultivation of talents for the Party and the country, and cultivating socialist builders and successors with all-round development of morality, intelligence, physical fitness, the United States and labor, Beijing Institute of Technology has always adhered to the fundamental task of cultivating people by virtue, providing a strong impetus for personnel training with ideological and political education, and forming a unique brand of work。On June 21, the "China Education Daily" reported the whole page of the experience and practice of the Beijing Institute of Technology to continuously promote the innovative development of ideological and political work。


On June 16, the students of the intelligent mechanical and electrical system experimental class of the College of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering conducted moral education defense before graduation。

"The head teacher Xu Yuxin more than once told me to be down-to-earth, and the mentor Professor Shen Qiang often encouraged me to do things that are really useful to the country, and I gradually realized the weight of the words firm, pure, and dedication in the hearts of science and technology workers.。A few days ago, in the circular lecture hall of Wencai Building, Liangxiang Campus, Beijing Institute of Technology, a special graduation defense is underway。

"This is a practice of ideological and political work reform in universities that has lasted for 20 years。The school has always adhered to the fundamental task of cultivating virtues and cultivating people, is committed to cultivating leading talents in all walks of life, and provides a strong driving force for talent training with ideological and political education, forming a unique brand of work。"Beijing Institute of Technology president Long Teng said。

Twenty years ago, Beijing Institute of Technology launched the theme education activity "I am a qualified college student" among its graduates, trying to let all undergraduate graduates summarize their university life, form a written report and participate in the defense。On July 1, 2005, after the "Moral Education Defense of Beijing Institute of Technology" was reported by the Chinese education masthead, it aroused warm attention in the national education circle, and the "tangible evaluation to promote the effect of moral education" became the source of inspiration for many colleges and universities across the country to innovate and break through the ideological and political work。

A 20-year exploration of moral education

Sitting in the audience of the lecture hall, watching the moral education defense of the undergraduate graduates of the class of 2023, Jia Shanshan, who was invited to participate in the activity, had the illusion of time travel。Twenty years ago, she was among the first batch of undergraduate graduates to take part in moral education defense。

"One afternoon before graduation, in a classroom, the head teacher asked everyone to say what they had learned in the four years of college。She said, "On that day, everyone's speech was particularly sincere, and some students cried as they said it.。The original 2-hour activity lasted more than 4 hours, which became a lifetime graduation memory for some people in the venue。

At present, the international and domestic situation has undergone profound changes, at the same time, the structure of college students has undergone significant changes under the large-scale expansion of enrollment, how to cope with the ideological and political work of college students has become a top priority。"Compared with intellectual education and physical education evaluation, moral education evaluation is the difficulty of ideological and political education in colleges and universities。In 2003, BEIT tried the practice of students' self-summing up and scoring by the college review panel, which opened the exploration of ideological and political education in a tangible way, and constantly enriched and improved the content, form and carrier。Pang Siping, deputy secretary of the Party Committee of the North Institute of Technology, introduced。

Subsequently, in order to give play to the basic and guiding role of moral education, BTECH carried out the work of moral education proposal and mid-term inspection successively in 2008 and 2009, and established a moral education defense system that runs through students' four years in college。

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On the basis of entrance education, "Moral education Proposal" organizes students to conscientiously plan their college life in the form of moral education thesis proposal, setting goals and laying the foundation for 4-year growth。"Mid-term inspection" captures the critical period when the focus of students' academic development changes, organizes students to carry out self-evaluation and mid-term summary in the first semester of the junior year, checks the completion of the preset goals in the moral education proposal, and urges students to reflect and revise。

The three links of moral education defense system are closely combined with the growth characteristics and ideological reality of college students, forming a chain of work。On this basis,The school selects representative and exemplary moral education defense outstanding thesis winners every year,Form the "University youth Life" outstanding students advanced deeds report group,Show freshmen their reflections and insights on college life,The results of graduation education will be applied to the education of new students,Realize ideological and political education "end to end",The closed loop of moral education has been completed。

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Nowadays, the exploration 20 years ago has formed the moral education defense system, which has the same status as the academic degree defense, and has become a compulsory course for graduates before leaving school。Practice has proved that the content and form of the three aspects of moral education defense provide students with the opportunity to systematically examine themselves, and the multi-dimensional evaluation system based on self-evaluation provides the direction for students to deeply analyze themselves. The spiritual experience and ideological perception obtained by students through rational thinking are far better than the indoctrination and didative education methods。

Digital enables Generation Z to experience moral education

In this year's moral education defense scene, the old principal Xu Teli returned to the middle of teachers and students in a special way。At the award ceremony of the outstanding thesis in moral education defense, Xu Teli stood in front of the gate of Yan 'an Academy of Natural Sciences on the big screen。"Students, do what the party and the country need。Xu's sincere expression and kind words moved many students at the scene。


This "digital moral education mentor" project is part of the series of innovative practices of the University of Technology to activate ideological and political education resources by adopting digital, virtual and scene-based education carriers。In recent years,Beijing Institute of Technology has further promoted the work of cultural education,Promote the construction of red school history resource database,Bring the red memory of the school serving the strategic needs of the Party and the country in different historical periods to the students,Let the students be there,From the first perspective, "experience" the school history and feel the Party history,Realize the value guidance of "moistening things silently"。

At present, the "post-00s" have gradually become the main body of college students, and the first batch of "post-05s" are about to enter the university campus。As network natives and "Generation Z" newcomers, they have active thinking, outstanding personality, and a stronger desire to emphasize self-value and pursue self-realization。At the same time, having witnessed the great changes in the world in a century, they are also easily affected by external trends of thought, social atmosphere, and Internet public opinion。

The rapid development of new technology has brought new risks and challenges, but also provides opportunities for the use of new technology to take the initiative。Beit has innovatively constructed a new model of "digital + ideological and political" to promote the high integration of traditional advantages of ideological and political work with information technology。

The essence of moral education defense is to help students solve the perplexity of development and improve the quality of self-development。Students' confusion and development needs in different stages encourage them to take the initiative to participate in the moral education defense series work, and the targeted guidance based on students' individual situations lays a foundation for the work to achieve ideal results。


Give full play to the advantages of moral education defense system,Btech aims at different stages of major training, professional training and employment development for students,Refine the evaluation requirements and educational guidance objectives of each link,Objectively record students' daily performance and outstanding achievements,Form a radar map of students' comprehensive quality development,It strengthens the precise guidance of moral education defense for students to strengthen their ideals and beliefs, pursue excellent growth and realize all-round development,To realize moral education from the whole process coverage to precise drip irrigation。

At present, the Beijing Institute of Technology has established a large intelligent ideological and political data sharing platform with comprehensive coverage, unified access and overall utilization。Give full play to the advantages of scientific research,The school is exploring the implementation path of applying "big data", "big model" and "big computing power" to intelligent thinking and politics,Accurately analyze the learning and living conditions of different student groups and individuals,Positively respond to students' needs in a timely and effective manner,It also provides decision-making basis for the accurate customization of educational content, methods and carriers。

In recent years,Beijing Institute of Technology is speeding up the construction of a "smart ideological and political" education system,We will comprehensively promote the integrated construction of digital campuses, digital tutors, digital platforms and digital resources,Create a new ecology of ideological and political education that is intelligent, integrated, activated and ubiquitous,To enhance the ideological and political education of the leading power, service, support, contribution。

Do "three full education" of "big thinking and politics"

"In Ningxia, only a few people can walk out of the mountains like me and chase their dreams。During my seven years in Beili, I have broadened my horizons and increased my knowledge, but I have never forgotten the hometown where I was raised。On the day of the moral education defense of undergraduate graduates, in the conference room of the comprehensive building of the Liangxiang Campus of North Technology, Zhang Jun, secretary of the Party Committee of the school, awarded flags to more than 20 graduates for grass-roots employment and sent graduates to battle。


"I will set out in full gear to devote myself to the national space industry, inherit the red gene and glorious tradition of the Beijing Institute of Technology in my new post, and integrate my personal ideals into the cause development of the Party and the country.。On June 19, a unique ideological and political class opened in the school history Hall, and Longteng talked about the future with representatives of the class of 2023 graduates, and placed high expectations。

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From the "first lesson of the semester" to the "last lesson of graduation", Beijing Institute of Technology has long promoted the reform and innovation of ideological and political work closely around the work of the school's talent training center, and is committed to the characteristic brand of ideological and political work as a guide to create a comprehensive education pattern for the whole process of the staff。The school has established and improved the ideological and political working mechanism of "Party committee leadership, organization driving, brand traction, and typical guidance",Continue to promote brand building to go deep and solid,We will vigorously promote the integration of the ideological and political work system into the high-level personnel training system,Effectively transform the advantages of socialist universities in adhering to the Party's leadership and ideological and political work into advantages in personnel training。

"From the 'moral education defense' to the 'rejuvenation, new era' theme education activities, and then to the 'red education road', the North Institute of Technology focused on the core proposition of 'education' constantly iterated, so that the old brand inheritance is strong, the new brand is constantly flowing, and gradually formed the 'North Institute of Technology model' of moral education."。Bao Liying, deputy secretary of the Party Committee of the North Institute of Technology, said。

The moral education defense work has effectively promoted the concept of "three full education" to be deeply rooted in the hearts of the whole school, greatly mobilized the enthusiasm and initiative of party and government cadres and professional teachers to participate in education work, and stimulated the vitality of innovation at the grassroots level。现在,All the cadres at the two levels of the Beijing Polytechnic School have contact classes,To serve the all-round development and personality development of students;The school implements the "three-master tutorial system",Mobilize all teachers to become students' academic tutors, learning tutors, moral tutors, general tutors and external tutors,Around the school "nine dimensions" evaluation indicators,Combine the three stages of moral education defense,Examine nine core qualities of students,Guide students to deepen their self-understanding, clarify their development goals and adjust their growth paths。

At the same time, BEIT has invested a lot of resources to provide students with real scenes of moral education experience。"Zhixin Plastic Heart Square" seize all kinds of festivals and anniversaries throughout the year, carry out manual experience activities with strong atmosphere, guide students to take care of their inner growth in hands-on practice and emotional experience, pay attention to a better life, and cultivate self-esteem, self-confidence, rational and peaceful positive attitude。The university has also set up a number of guiding studios to encourage graduate supervisors to integrate their ideals and beliefs, academic ethics, scientific spirit, and artisan spirit into their daily scientific research activities。The school implements the "school-enterprise Party building zero distance" project, guiding the party branch of teachers and students to regularly go to professional counterpart enterprises to carry out party building work and integration exchanges between production, university and research。

Zhang Shengrui, who was selected by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology this year, said: "On the production line of the enterprise, I witnessed the shortage of a large number of auto parts due to the chip supply failure, which caused huge losses to the company。This was the first time that I deeply felt the significance of breaking through the "stuck neck" problems such as chips, engines, and industrial software for the national industrial development, and understood the responsibility and responsibility of the students of Beitech as a "science and technology power"。”

In the circular lecture hall, the defense of Li Yufan, a graduate of the intelligent Mechanical and electrical system experimental class of the North Institute of Technology, is still continuing。"By the middle of this century, we will realize the goal of building a great modern socialist country in all respects。At that time, the graduates of 2023 will work for the motherland for 27 years, and put the best youth of life into the socialist modernization, we are not only witnesses to realize the great dream, but also direct participants and vanguard forces。"Li Yufan said。

"The Party Committee of the school will always insist on educating people for the Party, educating talents for the country, and cultivating socialist builders and successors with all-round development of morality, intelligence, physical fitness, the United States and labor.。On the new journey of realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, the workers of Beili who inherit the red gene and cherish the ambition of serving the country will surely assume the historical mission of belonging to the "powerful generation" and write a brilliant chapter worthy of The Times and the people。"Zhang Jun said。