Beit teachers were approved by Beijing Social Science Foundation Young Academic Leader Project

Recently, the Beijing Social Science Federation and the Beijing Social Science Planning Office officially issued the project approval certificate of the Beijing Social Science Fund Young Academic Leader Project in 2021。Associate Professor Ye Xuanting of the School of Management and Economics was approved to be selected. He will conduct "Research on the Mechanism and Policy of Digital Technology to Promote Industrial upgrading in Beijing".。

The project is a new talent project established by Beijing Social Science Foundation in 2021,The aim is to discover, train and gather a group of outstanding young social science talents who are guided by Marxism, have a solid theoretical foundation and have the courage to explore and innovate,Form a good incentive mechanism for cultivating talents in philosophy and social sciences,Promote the continuous growth of outstanding talents,To provide sustainable talent support for the prosperity and development of philosophy and social sciences。

The project will take three natural years as a funding cycle, and each cycle will select no more than 60 young scholars under the age of 39 (inclusive) who are politically committed, rigorous in learning style and have deep academic potential。The project adopts the dual tutorial system jointly cultivated by members of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Federation of Social Sciences and well-known experts and scholars in the academic field, and determines and completes a key project of Beijing Social Science Fund by discussing with the young scholars themselves, subject tutors and academic associations。This year's approved projects cover 14 social science disciplines, of which 11 were approved for management。

With personal profile:

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Ye Xuanting,Associate professor,He is currently Head of the Department of Technical Economics and Strategic Management,Member of the Science and Technology Evaluation and Management Committee of China Science and Technology Policy Research Society, member of the Future Analysis and Management Committee of Emerging Technologies of China Enterprise Management Research Society, member of the China Technology and Economic Forum,He was a postdoctoral fellow at the School of Public Administration, Tsinghua University, and a visiting scholar at the School of Public Policy, Georgia Tech University。In recent years,He presided over a number of national scientific research projects such as the National Natural Science Foundation Project and the Youth Project,As a principal researcher,参与了国家自然科学基金重点国际(地区)合作研究项目/重点项目、国际科技合作计划项目等研究工作;在Technological Forecasting and Social Change、International Journal of Technology Management、管理世界、公共管理学报等国内外学术期刊或会议发表论文40余篇;作为主要执笔人参与撰写教育部专家建议等多篇政策建议;长期服务政策实践,Participated in a number of national planning or policy formulation;He has won 1 University Scientific Research Outstanding Achievement Award (Humanities and Social Sciences) and 1 Beijing Science and Technology Award。He is mainly engaged in the research work of digital technology and industrial innovation model, innovation internationalization, science and technology evaluation, science and technology data mining, etc。

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