Spring and autumn fruits, "load" doctor growth record

-- Yang Chunhua, PhD student of biomedical Engineering, Beijing Institute of Technology, 2014


  Laboratory, canteen, dormitory,Go out in the morning and come back late,Three points and one line;Operate experiments and sort out data,Identify and solve problems,Round and round,Step by step"Shen8 aboard," "Chang 7 aboard," "Tianzhou aboard," "SpaceX Dragon Spacecraft aboard the International Space Station",Hand-built load,Four trips into space,Experience the "zero breakthrough" of Sino-US space Cooperation,Participated in many of the first space life science research in China...This is the life of Dr. Yang Chunhua of the Beijing Institute of Technology,Plain and extraordinary,Full of。

  Yang Chunhua, a 2007 undergraduate and 2014 doctoral student of biomedical engineering in School of Life Science, Beijing Institute of Technology, has grown from the first undergraduate in Liangxiang Campus to a young talent in the field of space life science research in China。 

"Small capital" to carry the big responsibility

The Shenzhou 8 spacecraft is equipped with a microfluidic chip gene amplification device

  “今天,We are holding the weekly meeting of the space payload project of the microfluidic chip gene amplification device on Shenzhou 8 spacecraft,Welcome new students to join the project team!"I think back to my undergraduate years when I first learned that I was about to participate in a major research project,The words of Professor Deng Yulin of the School of Human Life in charge of the project let Yang Chunhua remember。"At that time the mood is very uneasy, feel incredible, but very yearning!"

  Space load generally refers to the instruments, equipment, personnel, test organisms and specimens loaded on the spacecraft to directly achieve the specific tasks of the spacecraft in orbit operation, and is an important subsystem of the spacecraft in orbit to play the final space mission。

  In October 2010, only one year before the launch of China's "Shenzhou 8" spacecraft, the Beijing Institute of Technology won the opportunity to carry a scientific payload in the launch mission - sending a self-developed gene amplification device into space to achieve China's first space gene amplification experiment。Although the university was still a new recruit in the field of space life science research at that time, under the background of the university's in-depth promotion of the construction of emerging interdisciplinary disciplines, the university's deep engineering foundation and the deep intersection of medical and industrial integration formed distinct characteristics and advantages。

  Opportunities always favor those who are prepared. Yang Chunhua, who was a junior at that time, got to know his mentor Li Xiaoqiong because he participated in the Electronic Design Competition for college students in Beijing。Although he is an undergraduate, Yang Chunhua's professional background in biomedical engineering, as well as his interest and foundation in hardware design and software development, especially his meticulous character, attracted Li Xiaoqiong's special attention。

  "For a while, Teacher Li always assigned me some small projects, but they were not very relevant to the research at that time。At the beginning of joining the research group, Yang Chunhua, with a persistent spirit of Beishli workers, earnestly completed each "super topic" assigned by the teacher, expanded the scope of knowledge and improved the ability step by step, and also stepped into the national "big project".。"Later, I found that those small topics are actually technical problems that will be encountered in the space payload project after, and the teacher may also be taking this opportunity to investigate and train me, but I was completely unaware.。”

  Gene amplification, similar to the natural replication process of DNA, is divided into three stages of high-temperature denaturation at 94 ° C, low-temperature annealing at 50 ° C to 60 ° C and medium-temperature extension at 72 ° C, which is difficult to achieve in space。First of all, the experiment must be completed automatically in the payload device, due to the launch requirements and the space conditions of the spacecraft, the payload device must meet the strict loading conditions, and its size is limited to 15.0cm long, 14.4cm wide, 16.Within the height of 0cm, the weight must be less than 3Kg, but also to withstand the launch impact and space radiation, to achieve normal work in microgravity conditions。In such a small space, to put all the components such as gene amplification chips, power batteries and control systems in it is really a "spiral shell as an ashram".。

Yang Chunhua and some teachers and students of the project team at the site of the "Shenzhou 8" Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center

  For Yang Chunhua this "small", how to achieve rapid and accurate temperature control under the condition of limited resources is not a small challenge。"At the beginning of the expansion of the chip cooling process has a problem, the conventional heating film and other materials are not ideal, and then we found a semiconductor thermoelectric component, which can be heated and cooled, is a good choice.。However, the road of scientific research has never been smooth, in order to save research and development costs and speed up the progress of research and development, the load is used in the preliminary test of ordinary DC power supply, and when the customized space special battery is replaced, the heating device of the load fails。At this time, the load has entered the critical stage of environmental testing of authentic samples, if the problem can not be solved quickly, the load is bound to be affected。

  Time is tight, has not allowed any trial and error, young Yang Chunhua as the main person in charge of the link, resist the pressure, meet the difficulties。After calm thinking, Yang Chunhua found after many tests that the reason for the insufficient heating capacity was the good thermal conductivity of the load metal components and the limited load capacity of the customized chemical battery itself。After asking for advice with an open mind, Yang Chunhua applied the right medicine to add a specific material heat insulation sheet between the load temperature control component and the bearing structure, and finally successfully solved the problem, and achieved a good balance between heating and cooling performance。"That period of time was like a witch, thinking when eating and sleeping, processing in the workshop with the worker master during the day, testing with the team for a long time at night, and finally successfully solved the problem without delaying the project progress.。Whenever I think back to my first time to participate in the payload project encountered severe challenges, Yang Chunhua or sigh。

  Early morning, November 1, 2011,With the successful launch of the Shenzhou VIII spacecraft,The "microfluidic chip gene amplification device" designed and manufactured by the Beijing Institute of Technology as the overall leading unit has finally traveled into space,Achieved three "zero breakthroughs" : the loading of the experimental device of Beijing Institute of Technology into space, the space application of China's microfluidic chip technology, and China's genetic experiments in the space environment.。

  "In Beijing Institute of Technology, major scientific research tasks have always been a fertile ground for cultivating talents, and a solid foundation for cultivating first-class talents.。Zhou Lianjing, secretary of the Party Committee of the College of Life, said so。If you have the opportunity to participate in the "Shenzhou ride" is the gift of life to Yang Chunhua, then seize the opportunity and forge ahead, you can not do without an attitude and a hard work。  

Medical and industrial integration has obvious advantages

  Scientific research is undoubtedly a difficult and endless road, behind the flowers and applause is hard research and day and night thinking。After participating in the space payload mission for the first time, Yang Chunhua took the space life science payload research as his persistent pursuit direction。In 2011, Yang Chunhua continued her studies in the university with her excellent academic performance。In 2014, Yang Chunhua became a doctoral student in biomedical engineering under Professor Deng Yulin, academician of the International Academy of Astronautics。

  During his postgraduate studies, Yang Chunhua successively participated in the development of the "space cell and microbial culture experimental device" on the first flight of the "Long March 7" carrier rocket in June 2016, and the "space microfluidic chip biological culture and analysis payload" on the "Tianzhou-1" cargo spacecraft in April 2017。With the rare practical training, Yang Chunhua not only grew up rapidly and matured, but also gave full play to his solid professional background of medical integration and became an excellent young backbone of the team。

"Tianzhou-1" space microfluidic chip bioculture and analysis sample adding operation before load delivery

  In the "Tianzhou carrying" mission, the payload of the Beijing Institute of Technology achieved the cultivation of two types of cells in the same nutrient base at the same time to simulate the "brain-blood barrier" of the human body in the space environment, which is of great significance to the life and health research of astronauts。"Because the" Tianzhou 1 "cargo spacecraft will eventually fall into the atmosphere and burn up, and will not return to the ground, this requires that the payload device must do in-orbit monitoring and data return, that is, to achieve real space fully automated experiments and detection, which is not a small challenge.。"Li Xiaoqiong introduced。

  Under the leadership of Professor Deng Yulin from the School of Life Sciences, the team from Beijing Institute of Technology designed and developed a highly integrated and automated new space experiment payload device from scratch。At this time, Yang Chunhua, who has experienced two launch missions, as the absolute main force in the team, not only participated in the program design and completed the model verification, but also completed all the production test tasks of the payload device。

  "In the 'Tianzhou-1' project, I really feel that my cross-fusion background of biomedical engineering has obvious advantages, which has given me a lot of help.。"Yang Chunhua recalls。In that project,A variety of cells cultured in microfluidic chips,One is in suspension,And the other kind is stuck to the wall,To observe the morphological changes and migration of various cells in the space environment,The interaction effect is also studied,It is necessary to observe the different stages of growth of all cells at the same time。"In this project, it is necessary for researchers in the team's biotechnology group to propose the detailed requirements of the in-orbit test, and then for personnel in the payload technology group to complete the hardware and software design to support the relevant functions, and this interdisciplinary background plays a good role.。Yang Chunhua not only has the background of biological discipline knowledge, but also has mastered the engineering realization method, his innovative ideas, through continuous optimization and improvement, and finally designed a set of temperature control can be automated layered focusing of the on-orbit microscopic observation system with the team, a good solution to this problem。

  "Adhere to the emerging cross direction of training talents for medical and industrial integration, and Yang Chunhua is an excellent result of talent training at the college.。Luo Aiqin, dean of the School of Life, was introduced。Hard work pays off to those who wait,At the "Tianzhou-1" carrying project development summary review meeting,The BEIT payload was given a high rating as "the most advanced and complex space life science experiment payload",High-tech content, high implementation difficulty, completely independent development behind,The Beijing Institute of Technology team has only a dozen people,Such achievements have raised eyebrows among industry peers。

International Space Station payload pre-delivery test

  Less than half a month after the completion of the "Tianzhou-1" payload mission, Yang Chunhua and his partners crossed the Pacific Ocean, fought continuously, and handed in another satisfactory answer。June 6, 2017,"Scientific payload for the study of DNA mismatch in PCR reaction in Space Environment" developed by Beijing Institute of Technology aboard SpaceX's "Dragon Spacecraft",It became the first Chinese space science project to visit the International Space Station,This marks a "zero" breakthrough in Sino-US space science cooperation,Attract international attention。 

Small load of big stick

  "Yang Chunhua has been familiar with the implementation process of domestic and international conventional scientific experiment payload projects and the quality management methods of related aerospace products, he is a treasure of our team!"Professor Deng Yulin, the head of space life science research at the Beijing Institute of Technology, was unsparing in his praise of Yang Chunhua。This is not only due to Yang Chunhua's excellent strength in scientific research and academics, but also the most direct praise for his serious adherence to work and the sense of responsibility of "who is not me"。

Yang Chunhua explained the key technologies of biological experiment platform to the students of the research group in the space simulation module

  "Passing the elder brother has always been the last process of our work at each stage.。Fan Yunlong, a doctoral student in the same laboratory with Yang Chunhua, described it this way, "Whether it is to write documents or drawings, only if he is approved, we will have a bottom in mind.。And he never cared whether what we showed him was relevant to him, but just helped us as much as he could。”

  "Nothing can go wrong in heaven!"This is what Yang Chunhua often says。No matter which part of the load he participated in, Yang Chunhua would write detailed design reports and analysis reports for different stages of the entire work process in strict accordance with the time node, thoroughly discuss the problems, and clarify the detailed status of the entire device for other partners。In the face of scientific research tasks, Yang Chunhua always bears in mind that he represents the Beijing Institute of Technology and is meticulous and strives for perfection。"Since undergraduate years, serious and responsible is Yang Chunhua's outstanding advantage。"College Party Committee deputy secretary, Yang Chunhua undergraduate counselor Guo Huizhi commented。

  In addition to the rigorous and meticulous scientific research, Yang Chunhua started to organize and manage work, but also strategiously。From February to May 2017, it is the final sprint stage of the Tianzhou-1 cargo spacecraft carrying test project, and it is also the key implementation stage of the International Space Station carrying test project。At the same time as the backbone of two payload mission teams, Yang Chunhua was faced with a series of completely unfamiliar challenges。During that time, Yang Chunhua's main task was to ensure that the "Tianzhou-1" test payload successfully passed the comprehensive test mission of the whole ship series at the Wenchang launch site in Hainan,Lead the test team of the launch site of Beijing Institute of Technology to complete the filling operation, acceptance and delivery of biological samples and shipment work,And a final test launch mission,And assist the test team of Beijing Flight Control Center of Beijing Institute of Technology to complete subsequent flight control tasks。At the same time, Yang Chunhua also needs to work with the International Space Station carrying test project team to promote the testing of authentic products of the payload, the international transportation of experimental materials and the early testing of the launch site, and is responsible for communication with the US technical team。Speaking of the experience of that period of time, Yang Chunhua laughed that there was nothing more exciting than this。

  "If Yang Chunhua is willing, he can live a different life, there are not a few units that extend an olive branch to him, and high salary and high treatment are not a problem.。"Li Xiaoqiong commented。In the field of space life science research, Yang Chunhua has a good professional background and has been honed by many launches。However, Yang Chunhua, who has a distinct brand of "Beijing Institute of Technology", is not disturbed by the outside world, modest and prudent in his research, and firmly devoted himself to the cause of serving the major strategic needs of the country, and is moving forward toward his dream step by step。This "great persistence" is appreciated and admired by teachers and students around。

  "How to better allocate resources, so that the later people are not as difficult as us, so that the follow-up work is more efficient, and better serve the national major strategy, is something I often think about in addition to research?。Facing the future, Yang Chunhua, who continues to learn and accumulate in the research and withstands layers of tests, has a calm and atmosphere。"Every worker in Beili has a heart to serve the country!"


  "All the work is the result of the whole team, and I just happen to be involved。Talking about his "load" experience, Yang Chunhua is humble and shy。

  Vigorous, in the hustle and bustle to move forward steadily, not arrogant, not impetuous, not panic, not busy, Yang Chunhua, the ordinary doctoral students of the North Institute of Technology, with a string of solid struggle footprints, a bright growth track, write on their own wonderful youth。


Related links:

[Science and Technology Daily] Yang Chunhua: Hitchhiking in space to do experiments

[Chinese Journal of Science] Yang Chunhua: The growth of Dr. "Payload"


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