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The media reported the voice of the Beijing Institute of Technology at the two sessions

[Editor's note] Since the opening of the National Two Sessions in 2021,Zhao Changlu, Secretary of the Party Committee of the Beijing Institute of Technology, Wang Yongtian, professor of the School of Optoelectronics, and Li Jian, dean of the School of Humanities and Social Sciences, served as members of the 13th CPPCC National Committee,Active in the two sessions,Participate in the deliberation and administration of state affairs, make suggestions and suggestions,Make "Beijing Polytechnic Sound",It has been widely concerned by all walks of life。


Member Zhao Changlu: Guide graduates to find employment and start businesses in strategic emerging industries

The employment of college graduates has aroused the concern of all parties。According to statistics, the total number of college graduates in 2021 reached a new high of 9.09 million, and employment is facing severe challenges。"Colleges and universities should actively guide students to combine their personal development with the needs of the country and make contributions to the places where the motherland needs them most.。Zhao Changlu, a member of the CPPCC National Committee and Party secretary of the Beijing Institute of Technology, said。

Zhao Changlu said that in the face of complex employment situation, colleges and universities should guide graduates to multi-channel employment and grass-roots employment, explore strategic emerging areas, tap the platform economy and sharing economy employment opportunities, and guide graduates to employment and entrepreneurship in strategic emerging industries。Graduates will be encouraged to seek employment in advanced manufacturing, modern agriculture and modern service industries through multiple channels。

In Zhao Changlu's view, although the current domestic epidemic prevention and control and social economy are gradually improving, the employment situation in 2021 is still grim and complex。Compared with the rapid increase in the size of graduates, job supply is still showing a situation of "more than enough people"。Affected by the epidemic, there are still many uncertain factors in the future job supply。Structural problems in employment have become more prominent。In terms of the nature of the unit, state-owned enterprises, public institutions and party and government organs have become the first choice for graduates to find employment, and the willingness to work in private enterprises is general;From the perspective of region, the graduates' willingness to work in the eastern economically developed areas is higher, while the willingness to work in the western and northeast areas is not。In addition, in terms of employment mentality, the "slow employment" mentality of graduates "wait" and "take a look" has been further enhanced, and the expectation of graduates and parents for further study has further increased, which affects the timely employment of students to a certain extent。

To this end, Zhao Changlu suggested that government departments further increase their support in employment policies, such as second bachelor's degree enrollment and research assistant policies, which can effectively ease the employment pressure of graduates。At the same time, we will further standardize the job market and safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of graduates。

For college graduates, Zhao Changlu suggested that they should establish a correct view of career choice, set goals as early as possible, and do a good job planning。Fully understand their own strengths, interests and advantages, establish a clear goal as the direction of struggle。

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Member Zhao Changlu: Continue to strengthen the basic capacity building of the manufacturing industry

Combined with the overall situation of the development of China's manufacturing industry, in view of the gaps and problems existing in China's manufacturing technology, Zhao Changlu put forward the following suggestions:

First, encourage, guide and support colleges and universities to actively carry out the construction of new engineering majors such as intelligent manufacturing,We will make greater efforts to support the construction and development of traditional material disciplines and manufacturing disciplines,Create a good social atmosphere through policy environment, public opinion guidance, publicity and other means,Guide high-quality students to apply for manufacturing major disciplines through multiple channels,To ensure a sustainable supply of high-quality talents for the high-quality development of the manufacturing industry and the construction of a manufacturing power。  

The second is to support the interdisciplinary integration of cutting-edge technologies such as materials, manufacturing and information, build a material-design-process integration platform, carry out systematic research and development of the whole chain of materials, design, process manufacturing and products, and cultivate high-quality composite talents。    

The third is to optimize scientific research and innovation capabilities, in addition to strengthening information technology-related scientific research and innovation, information technology and manufacturing technology integration and innovation, further strengthen the research and development capabilities of basic materials, basic manufacturing science and technology, basic technology and other aspects, and rapidly enhance the scientific and technological innovation capabilities of traditional basic manufacturing fields。    

The fourth is to establish material database, process basic database, test and test platform, establish open cooperation and sharing mechanism and continuous optimization and improvement mechanism, encourage universities, research institutions, enterprises and other users to share applications, and consolidate the basic capacity of manufacturing industry。

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Member Zhao Changlu: It is suggested to set up a special plan for "Belt and Road" talent training

It is necessary to pay attention to the combination of industry, university and research, and accelerate the construction of international joint laboratories and joint research and development centers under the Belt and Road Initiative。It is suggested that the laboratory should pay attention to the demand for economic and trade cooperation, be guided by the demand for service, take talent training and scientific and technological cooperation as long-term support, provide government guidance and enterprise input, and rely on the human intelligence advantages of scientific research institutes in universities and colleges to establish a long-term mechanism for joint construction。

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Wang Yongtian: The use of "Internet +" means to strengthen off-campus online training access, filing review and comprehensive management

It is necessary to incorporate the construction of the primary and secondary education private network into the national new infrastructure project planning as soon as possible, consolidate the inter-ministerial and inter-regional coordination mechanism, top-level planning, step-by-step construction, classified implementation, and graded input。First, it is suggested to build a fast, stable, green and safe education private network on the basis of the existing education and research network, and establish the organization management system and operation and maintenance mechanism of the education private network。The second is to strengthen the construction of platforms such as education cloud services and data centers, improve the stability of online education networks, ensure bandwidth, and guarantee teaching quality。Third, it is proposed to use projects such as new infrastructure construction projects, strengthen the construction and application of network infrastructure by including the basic budget, allocating special funds, setting up special projects and other measures, and accurately make up the network shortcomings of rural, remote, poor, ethnic minority areas and weak schools。The fourth is to establish education-oriented different networks, data connectivity mechanisms and emergency response mechanisms,Establish a long-term mechanism for the operation and maintenance of educational private networks,Improve the flexible expansion capacity of the education network,Ensure the communication between the education network and the public Internet, and between the school network and the family network,Optimize the interconnection of backbone networks,There is also an emphasis on "last mile" and end-to-end quality of service monitoring。

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Wang Yongtian: Developing online education to promote education equity

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Wang Yongtian: Formulate national standards for data presentation and storage formats of industrial software

In recent years, the construction of manufacturing power, quality power, network power, digital China has become a hot topic of public opinion。Wang Yongtian believes that China, as a manufacturing country, must not be subject to others in the key link of industrial software manufacturing, and must be independent and self-reliant。

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Li Jian: Interpreting the significance of rural revitalization from the perspective of economics

In the government work report, special mention was made of rural revitalization。The specific measures for rural revitalization mainly have three aspects: first, it focuses on food security。This measure is of great significance and can truly ensure that 1.4 billion Chinese people have their jobs in their hands, which is the basis for rural revitalization。Second, the fight against poverty has achieved a historic victory, under such a background, many people are particularly concerned about the future development of poor households。Therefore, in the government work report, it is especially mentioned to establish a long-term mechanism to consolidate the achievements of poverty alleviation。Third, our country's 1.8 billion mu of arable land, compared with the current rural population, there are more people, less land, farmers' income is limited, seriously restricting our country's well-off society construction。Therefore, it is necessary to build a new type of town, so that the surplus labor force and surplus population in the countryside can be transferred to small towns。

The history of world industrial development shows that the proportion of labor force engaged in agriculture is an important indicator of economic development。The higher the ratio, the lower the industrial structure。Therefore, whether it follows the law of development of human society or the law of economic development, the surplus rural labor force should be transferred to the city, but if it is transferred to the big city, it will bring big city disease。Therefore, the central government proposed to build a new type of town, I think it is very accurate, in line with the law of historical development, but also in line with the law of economic development。

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Member Li Jian: 9.09 million expectation: How to protect the employment of college students

With 9.09 million graduates, the total number of college graduates in 2021 reached a new high。

Li Jian said that from the perspective of historical development, crises often contain great opportunities。Employment is to choose the future direction of development, college students should not only look at the immediate interests, to choose a promising industry。"The epidemic is only an emergency, students should firmly have confidence in the future, believe that the difficulties are temporary.。"Li Jian said。

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In recent years, laws and regulations have become more and more perfect and sophisticated, providing strong legal support for completing the building of a moderately prosperous society in all respects and comprehensively building a modern socialist country。

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