Campus news

Beijing Institute of Technology held a united front work summary exchange meeting

On the morning of December 24, Beijing Institute of Technology held the 2021 United Front work summary exchange meeting。Bao Liying, deputy secretary of the Party Committee of the school and minister of the United Front Work Department of the Party Committee attended the meeting。The school branch of the Democratic Revolution, the Democratic League branch, the Rural Labor Party branch and the branch of the Jiusan Society, the non-party intellectuals' Association and other Democratic Party grass-roots organizations and United front groups, as well as the advanced individual representatives of the commendation attended the meeting。


On the morning of December 24, Beijing Institute of Technology held the 2021 United Front work summary exchange meeting。Bao Liying, deputy secretary of the Party Committee of the school and minister of the United Front Work Department of the Party Committee attended the meeting。The school branch of the Democratic Revolution, the Democratic League branch, the Rural Labor Party branch and the branch of the Jiusan Society, the non-party intellectuals' Association and other Democratic Party grass-roots organizations and United front groups, as well as the advanced individual representatives of the commendation attended the meeting。Hu Xiaomin, executive Vice minister of the United Front Work Department of the Party Committee, chaired the meeting。

Hu Xiaomin informed the school of the United front work in 2021。In the past year,学校以学习宣传贯彻习近平总书记关于加强和改进统一战线工作的重要思想为主线,It will focus on studying, propagating and implementing the Regulations on the United Front Work of the Communist Party of China,The goal is to further play the role of an important magic weapon of the united front in the new era,Work closely around the overall work of the Party and the country and around the school center,Give full play to the advantages of united front work,Focus on ideological guidance, grasp the overall situation of service, and grasp the ability to improve,Constantly innovating ways and methods, improving systems and mechanisms, and raising the level of work,The role of the united front in the new era has been further demonstrated,The school has made new contributions to the construction of "double first-class"。

Bao Liying put forward suggestions on strengthening and improving the United front work based on the new situation and tasks。She said that on the new road to realizing the second centenary goal, it is necessary to better play the role of the magic weapon of the united front and maximize the strength of common struggle。一是要加强理论武装,深入学习贯彻习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想,不断巩固统一战线团结奋斗的共同思想政治基础,凝聚心往一处想、劲往一处使的强大合力。Second, we must give high priority to the self-improvement of the democratic parties, and ensure that they are politically firm, well-organized, effective in performing their duties, have a fine style of work, and have sound systems。Third, we must unify our thinking and understanding with the CPC Central Committee's scientific judgment on the domestic and international situation, focus our work on the CPC Central Committee's decision-making and deployment, conduct in-depth investigations and studies, and do a solid job in advising, advising, managing, and carrying out democratic supervision。Fourth, the United front department should provide support and help for democratic parties, non-party personages and United front groups to carry out their work, and further expand the platform for non-Party intellectuals to advise and perform their duties。


会上,Awarded the honorary title of "2021 United Front 'concentric' Advanced Collective" to the Branch of Jiusan Society of Beijing Institute of Technology and the Association of Non-Party Intellectuals of Beijing Institute of Technology,Wang Ru and 15 other comrades were awarded the honorary title of "2021 United Front 'concentric' Advanced Individual",Awarded the honorary title of "Excellent Organization of United Front Suggestions and Suggestions in 2021" to the Beijing Institute of Technology branch of the Democratic Revolution。The leaders of the democratic parties and United front groups of the school and the representatives commended made exchanges and speeches。

The meeting organized the study of the spirit of the Sixth Plenary Session of the 19th CPC Central Committee。

Beijing Institute of Technology held the 2021 undergraduate teaching work summary and commendation meeting

On December 22, the 2021 Undergraduate Teaching Summary and commendation meeting of Beijing Institute of Technology was held in the lecture hall of Building 7。Vice President Wang Xiaofeng and Assistant President Yan Yan attended the meeting, as well as heads of relevant departments of the University, members of the Higher Education Steering Committee of the Ministry of Education, responsible professors of undergraduate majors, responsible persons in charge of undergraduate teaching in professional colleges and colleges, teaching management personnel and teachers' representatives。


On December 22, the 2021 Undergraduate Teaching Summary and commendation meeting of Beijing Institute of Technology was held in the lecture hall of Building 7。Vice President Wang Xiaofeng and Assistant President Yan Yan attended the meeting, as well as heads of relevant departments of the University, members of the Higher Education Steering Committee of the Ministry of Education, responsible professors of undergraduate majors, responsible persons in charge of undergraduate teaching in professional colleges and colleges, teaching management personnel and teachers' representatives。The meeting was chaired by Zhang Wei, Vice Minister of the Department of Educational Affairs。

Xue Zhenghui, minister of the Department of Educational Affairs, made a work report, comprehensively reviewed and summarized the university's undergraduate talent training work in 2021, conducted an in-depth analysis of the current situation and existing problems of the university's undergraduate talent training, and introduced the key work and important tasks of the university's undergraduate talent training work in 2022。


At the meeting, units and individuals that have won various undergraduate education and teaching achievement awards at the national, provincial and ministerial levels and university levels in recent years were commended。


Han Botang from the School of Management and Economics, Luo Lin from the School of Information and Electronics, and Hu Haiyun from the School of Physics delivered speeches as winners。


Wang Xiaofeng said that 2021 marks the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China (CPC) and the first year of implementing the 14th Five-Year Plan and embarking on a new journey to comprehensively build a modern socialist country。Under the leadership of the University Party Committee, the colleges and academies adhere to scientific planning, and further promote the reform of undergraduate training, so as to open a good situation and take a good step for the development of the school's "14th Five-Year Plan"。He affirmed the outstanding achievements in undergraduate education and teaching under the joint efforts of all colleges and universities, teachers and students, and expressed his gratitude to the teachers who have been working hard。

He stresses,2022年,The reform of undergraduate teaching focuses on the construction of first-class course materials to comprehensively promote the construction of first-class majors,To "organized teaching research teaching reform" as the construction requirements,Take "Curriculum Map" as the construction tool,To "first-class education culture" as the construction direction,We will further improve the quality of personnel training。First, we must strengthen ideological and political construction, and cultivate people into the heart and brain。Give full play to the educational characteristics of inheriting the red gene, focus on strengthening ideological guidance and value shaping, and run ideological and political work through the whole process of education and teaching to achieve full education and all-round education。Second, we should optimize the professional Settings and deepen the training of top-notch innovative talents。Facing the world's academic frontier and major national strategic needs,Further sort out the professional Settings,We will establish a system of personnel training in which disciplines lead majors and majors support the development of disciplines,Strengthen the teaching management team of colleges and the construction of collaborative mechanism of colleges and universities,We will strengthen overall planning and coordination among multiple departments,To realize the organic unity of educational management and teaching management。Third, it is necessary to clarify the result-oriented and promote the integration of curriculum materials。Implementation of the core curriculum "director" responsibility system, high-level talents take the lead in restructuring the grass-roots teaching organization, the construction of mathematics and science foundation, engineering foundation through the construction of courses, promote the construction of "local internationalization" curriculum, create a number of demonstration courses and a number of national planning materials, cultivate a number of famous teachers and first-class teaching teams。

He demands,All colleges and universities, all teachers and students should scientifically implement the "14th Five-Year Plan" career development plan,Practice the road of red education, the road of fine cultivation, the road of strong military service to the country, and the road of innovative development,Adhere to the original intention of education to serve the country,Brave to build dreams and educate people mission,With a more positive attitude to show the new atmosphere, new achievements,To make new and greater contributions to the cultivation of new people worthy of the task of national rejuvenation。

The holding of this meeting is a systematic review and summary of the university's undergraduate talent training work in the past year, and also a prospect of the next year's undergraduate talent training work。All undergraduate teaching administrators will continue to be under the leadership of the University Party Committee,Adhere to the fundamental task of moral education,We will devote ourselves to the training of undergraduate talents with more enthusiasm,Efforts will be made to promote the reform of school personnel training,Achieve high-quality and connotative development,To contribute to the construction of a world-class university with Chinese characteristics,Meet the Party's 20th Congress with outstanding results。

Beijing Institute of Technology won the 10th "Mother River Award" Green Project Award and Green Contribution Award

Recently, the list of winners (projects and individuals) of the 10th "Mother River Award" was announced。The "Cloud Battery - Security Guard of zero-carbon Transportation" project of Beitech was awarded the 10th "Mother River Award" Green Project Award, and the Beijing Key Laboratory of Energy Economy and Environmental Management was awarded the 10th "Mother River Award" Green Contribution Award。Beijing Institute of Technology is the only university to receive two awards in this year's selection。


近日,The 10th "Mother River Award"The list of winners (projects, individuals) was announced。North Tech "Cloud battery - zero carbon transportation.Security Guard "projectWon the 10th "Mother River Award" Green Project Award,Energy economics and Environmental managementBeijing Key LaboratoryWon the 10th "Mother River Award" green Contribution Award。Beijing Institute of Technology is the current selectionThe only university to receive two awards。

The "Mother River Award" is an authoritative award jointly established by the member units of the National Mother River Protection Action Leading Group (the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League, the National Greening Committee, the Environment and Resources Protection Committee of the National People's Congress, the Committee of Population, Resources and Environment of the CPPCC National Committee, the Ministry of Ecology and Environment, the Ministry of Water Resources, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, and the National Forestry and Grassland Administration) in the field of ecological environment protection in China,It is selected every two years,It aims to recognize and reward individuals, collectives, organizations and projects that have made outstanding contributions to the cause of protecting the Mother River, protecting the ecological environment and building ecological civilization,To guide the majority of young people to actively participate in the construction of beautiful China,We should be practitioners and promoters of ecological civilization。


"Cloud Battery - Security Guard for zero-carbon transportation" project team

The "Cloud Battery - Safety Guard of zero-carbon Transportation" project of Beitech focuses on the safety early warning assessment of new energy batteries, and uses big data algorithms to analyze the on-board data to achieve power battery life prediction and safety early warning, effectively improving performance and reducing costs。The project broke through the technical problems of the new energy vehicle power battery system, realized the online monitoring of operational risks, joint research and judgment, dynamic early warning, intelligent control and accurate disposal, and created a safer zero-carbon transportation environment。As one of the earliest units engaged in the research and development and application of new energy vehicles in China, the National Engineering Laboratory of Electric Vehicles has undertaken the construction of the national monitoring and management platform for new energy vehicles, which is the largest network big data platform in the world, with access to 6.4 million vehicles。


Beijing Key Laboratory of Energy Economy and Environmental Management

Beijing Key Laboratory of Energy Economy and Environmental Management aims to build a strategic think tank for Energy Economy and Environmental Management,The core issue is energy economy and environmental management in China,It closely focuses on major strategic needs and key scientific issues in social and economic development,Carry out relevant theoretical and basic application research,To provide decision-making support for national green development and high-quality development,We have trained a group of high-level talents in the field of energy economy and environmental management。The laboratory is based on the construction of the Energy and Environmental Policy Research Center of Beijing Institute of Technology, and is one of the first five selected units in the "New think tank field" in Beijing。

Eight works of BEIT won awards in the fifth "National College Student Network Culture Festival"

Recently, the Ministry of Education announced the results of the fifth "National College Students Network Culture Festival" and "National College Network Education excellent works selection and exhibition activities", and eight works submitted by Beijing Institute of Technology were awarded。

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Recently, the Ministry of Education announced the results of the fifth "National College Students Network Culture Festival" and "National College Network Education excellent works selection and exhibition activities", and eight works submitted by Beijing Institute of Technology were awarded。

The "National College Students Network Culture Festival" and "National College Network Education Excellent Works selection and Exhibition activities" are hosted by the Department of Ideological and Political Work of the Ministry of Education and the Bureau of Network Social Work of the Central Cyberspace Administration,It aims to promote the active participation of teachers and students in the creation and production of network cultural works,Expand the influence of university network culture,Continue to strengthen integrity and innovation,Enhance the attractiveness and effectiveness of ideological and political work in colleges and universities in the new era。

Since the fifth "National College Students Network Culture Festival" and "National College Network Education Excellent Works Selection and Exhibition Activities" were launched in December 2020, they have received positive responses from universities and teachers and students all over the country。The two activities received a total of 54,822 outstanding original online works by teachers and students, including micro works, micro films, animation, photography, and online literature, covering 31 provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) and Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps。

In combination with the requirements of this activity, the school Party Committee actively organized and seriously collected, and selected a number of excellent network cultural works created by teachers and students in recent years to participate in the selection。The Ministry of Education organized the selection of experts,The new media video work "Ceremony" submitted by our school won the first prize,New media video work "Seiko" and wechat push work "Beijing Institute of Technology Version of My World" won the second prize,New media video work "Going Home", wechat push work "New Semester.,What are the counselors going through?The online article "The Basic Experience of Epidemic Prevention and Control of the Communist Party of China in the early days of the founding of New China" won the third prize, the online article "The Chinese Spirit rooted in the earth", and the wechat push work "Walking with" Li "- Beili Liangxiang Punch card Passport" won the excellence award。

In recent years, the university has continued to strengthen the construction of first-class university culture, inherit the red gene, focus on moral cultivation and cultivate people, constantly innovate working methods, improve the construction of cultural communication capacity, deepen the integration and development of campus media, cultivate excellent network cultural works, and build a positive and distinctive campus network culture。

List of winners:


The National Key research and development plan "Science and Technology Winter Olympics" special "Low-carbon Winter Olympics monitoring and carbon neutral regulation key technologies and demonstration application" project kick-off meeting and stage results exchange meeting was held

On December 18, the National key research and development plan "Science and Technology Winter Olympics" special "Low-carbon Winter Olympics monitoring and carbon neutral regulation key technologies and demonstration application" project kick-off meeting and stage results exchange meeting was held in Beijing。

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On December 18, the National key research and development plan "Science and Technology Winter Olympics" special "Low-carbon Winter Olympics monitoring and carbon neutral regulation key technologies and demonstration application" project kick-off meeting and stage results exchange meeting was held in Beijing。The meeting was organized by Beijing Institute of Technology, the lead unit of the project, and hosted by the Energy and Environmental Policy Research Center of Beijing Institute of Technology。The meeting was attended by more than 40 persons in charge of the project, including the China Agenda 21 Management Center of the Ministry of Science and Technology of the People's Republic of China, the Organizing Committee of the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympic and Paralympic Games, the Beijing Municipal Science and Technology Commission and other units, the members of the project expert advisory group and the project participating members。The meeting was chaired by Professor Wei Yiming, project leader and Vice President of Beijing Institute of Technology。

The project of "Key Technologies and Demonstration Applications of Low-carbon Winter Olympics Monitoring and carbon neutral Regulation" under the National Key Research and Development Plan "Science and Technology Winter Olympics" is led by Beijing Institute of Technology,It is jointly undertaken by Tsinghua University, Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Hefei Institute of Physical Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing National Speed Skating Hall Management Co., LTD., Beijing Green Exchange Co., LTD., Beijing Zhongchuang Carbon Investment Technology Co., LTD., Beijing Aotek Technology Co., LTD., and Guoshun Green Construction Technology Co., LTD。The project meets the needs of the national carbon neutrality strategy and the green Olympic Games,To study and develop key technologies for low-carbon Winter Olympics monitoring and carbon neutral regulation,Realize multi-source collection and integration of carbon emission data of the Winter Olympics and panoramic control interaction,To evaluate the synergistic effect of the Winter Olympics on the economic and social environmental development of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region,Finally, it puts forward the path and plan to realize carbon neutrality in Winter Olympics。

At the opening ceremony, Yang Fan, Executive Vice president of the Research Institute of Beijing Institute of Technology, delivered a welcoming speech。Liu Rongxia, deputy director of the China Agenda 21 Management Center of the Ministry of Science and Technology, put forward specific requirements for the organization and management of the project。

The project set up an expert advisory group and hired well-known experts to guide the project research content and implementation process。Professor Wei Yiming presented letters of appointment to consultants from Beijing 2022 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games Organizing Committee, Tsinghua University, Institute of Electrical Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Capital Institute of Physical Education, Institute of Remote Sensing and Digital Earth, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing Normal University, Beijing Academy of Science and Technology, Shougang Ski Jumping Center and other units。

In the report and exchange session, Professor Wei Yiming reported on the overall situation of the project。Tang Baojun and Yu Biying from Beijing Institute of Technology, Zheng Dezhi from Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, and CAI Wenjia from Tsinghua University, as the project leaders, made detailed reports on the project objectives, research content, implementation plan and stage results of their respective projects。The members of the expert advisory group put forward valuable guidance on the research ideas and directions of the project, and gave prevention and response suggestions on the possible risks and challenges in the implementation process of the project。